Mad Scientist, Owner
I have always had a wonder for nature that has both deepened and widened with time. As an undergraduate at Central Michigan University, I double majored in biology and philosophy and I fell in love with herpetology (the study of amphibians and reptiles) and the philosophy of science. One of my favorite pastimes was tromping out into the woods and flipping over logs looking for snakes, frogs, lizards, and especially salamanders. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from CMU and pursued my doctorate at Cornell University studying how mating signals diversify between closely related specie and lead to reduced mating success (i.e. "reproductive isolation") using chemical communication in Hawaiian crickets as a model. I am currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology at Grand Valley State University and have added mycology (the science of fungi/ mushrooms) to my interests and now have something else to examine in my hikes!